Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I Think the Repairman Thinks I'm Nuts

But it's mostly because I am. So I decided to catch up on a few Nerdfigter's Videos while I was hanging out this morning. I had to make sure to stay in the apartment, because Mandi and I are finally having our leaky bathtub looked at. But the video was all about evil baby orphanages and time machines and going back in time to kill the father of the leader of North Korea (I'm not even going to pretend I know how to spell his name). Here's the clip I was watching when the repairman came down stairs to turn off the water.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Sometimes, Mondays Come Too Soon

Actually, that's all the time. So today was the 2nd to last PT test of the semester! Woohoo! I didn't blow it out of the water, but I passed it so I don't have to go to remedial PT. I will still go to remedial PT so that next time I can blow the PT test out of the water, and so I can be in better shape for airborne. I'll be gone for three weeks this summer, training to jump out of plains. It should be pretty awesome, jut ton of running.

The only problem is now I have to find a job. Dang it. I may end of flipping burgers, but hopefully it doesn't come to that. As for now, my main concern is getting ready for finals and for next semseter. I missed the deadline for state tuition assistance (oops) but still have plenty of time to sign up for federal tuition assistance (hooray for the military). Hopefully I get it because money is tight right now.

There's really not much going on in my life right now. The rest of this week is just busy with the usual ROTC junk. Plus drill. At least I get paid, right?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Headaches: The Bane of My Exsistance

I had a four page paper to write over spring break, so naturally it didn't get started on until yesterday. I got most of it done Sunday, but still had the conclusion and editing to do. I decided I'd finish it up during my break between my 11 o'clock class and my 1 o'clock class (it being due at the beginning of the 1 o'clock class). This was a fine plan except for one fatal flaw. I didn't pack a lunch with me and didn't bring any money to buy lunch with. The last thing I had eaten was 2 eggos at around 8 AM.

Despite being ravenous, I finished my paper and got to class on time. The lack of food gave me a terrible headache, so I slipped out of class early. At my place, I ran into Jeremy. He had spent part of the morning setting up a scavenger hunt for me to find a cute CD he'd made for me. Instead of being grateful, I grumbled passed him and started finding things for me to eat. He, being sweet again, took over making a sandwhich and let me eat some apple sauce. While I was eating the sandwich he handed me the first clue and suggested I look for the others. I told him that I had class in ten minutes, but he really wanted me too.

I figured out the 5 clues as fast as I could. When I was lead to the final clue, which had me look under my pillow, I found the CD. I had no idea what he was hiding for me, I just knew he wanted to surprise me. I felt pretty bad. Here Jeremy had gone to all this effort to give me a nice surprise, and I was too wrapped up in a stupid headache to be thankful. He's really sweet and I hope he knows how much I appreciate him.

Friday, March 20, 2009

So I Really Like This Blog Thing

So my last blog didn't really describe me beyond my budding interest in Bones. I don't want this to turn into a list of things I enjoy (that's what my profile is for), so I'll try to make this interesting. As I mentioned last time, Lex and I are staying in Flagstaff, Arizona. We don't have any family here, though I do have family that lives in more Southern parts of Arizona. Mainly we wanted to spend a day at the Grand Canyon (which was formed by the Colorado River) and a day at Meteor Crater (which I'm assuming was formed by a meteor. We haven't gone to it yet). We'll be leaving tomorrow to head back home.

While I've been having a great deal of fun on this trip, I really miss my boyfriend/soon to be fiance. Normally he and I see each other every day for several hours a day. Basically he's like my best friend, my best friend who I love and get to kiss a lot. We've been good friends for a year, but didn't get together until this January. We met while I was in my RSP unit (the guard unit I was in before I went to basic training). We started hanging out once I got back. He liked me and I thought he was cute, but I was in a relationhip (a long distance one that I thought was going to work, but am glad now didn't) so nothing happened. After the long distance relationship and another bad rebound relationship, Jeremy and I got together. Before we got together we both came back to the Church using each other for support. This is the strongest relationship I have ever had; I love Jeremy very much.

Wow, this got sappy quickly. Sorry followers.

3 Followers? Now I Feel Bad.

For the last little while, my roommate, Lex, had suggested that I start a blog. I had considered it because after the end of out little blogging experiment (we each would take turns writing a blog but both got lazy and abandoned it) I had wanted to set one up of my own. That way you all who follow this can get the bigger details of my life (if I remember to post them). Hopefully the freelance ones will be more interesting than my first blog, which was an assignment for my CSIS class.

Right now, the only excting thing going on is I am sitting in a hotel in Flagstaff while Lex sleeps in the bed next to me (queen size beds are awesome and kick the crap out of the little twin I have at home). This has been the best either of us have slept in a while because we have become obbsesed with the show Bones. If you have never seen it, you should find some episodes and watch them, you'll be hooked. It's about this anthropologist who helps the FBI solve crimes by exmining the skeletal remains of the victims, who usually have been dead for several weeks and are slightly decomposed. We own two of the seasons and are 5episodes away from needing the third. This has effected our sleep not only because we stay up extremely late to watch 8-9 shows (each being about 45 minutes longs since there are no commercials), but also because our dreams after are very freaky. Plus, the beds in our apartments are probably 3 feet off the ground. I don't store anything under there, which means it would be the perfect place for someone to hide before they kill me...

If I did die, I would want Bones to solve my murder.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Web 2.0- what does it really mean?

There was no sound on the video, but most of it was text based, so I think i got the gist of it. Basically the interwebs is an ever changing, flowing machine used to connect millions of people in a much more meaningful and creative way. People can up load videos, blogs, and social profiles. It has made the world much smaller and people closer. Now, with just a few clicks, you can set up a web page just to set up a blog. Blogs let people know your opinions on issues or events going on in your life. It's a bit startling knowing that you can get in contact with almost anyone in the world just by making a face book account. It make it easier to connect to people. I think it's good thing because now people have access to a great deal more information then they ever have before.